Button CTA at the Event level
in progress
Servicify Team
in progress
Servicify Team
We expect to build this in February.
Servicify Team
Merged in a post:
My events need to have a Diferent CTA
Aldémar Duarte
I need to have different call to action button depending of my service. RN I just can use the same for all the events. but my event are needs diferent CTA
Servicify Team
under review
Servicify Team
We are considering building this out!
Servicify Team
Hi Aldémar Duarte, unfortunately this is not something that we currently support in our app. What are the some examples of different CTAs that you need?
Aldémar Duarte
Can anybody can help me? this is fundamental to make work my store
Michelle Moran
Aldémar Duarte: if I'm understanding you correctly, I had the same dilemma. I have recurring events where your can select a date and time, and one-time events with a fixed date and time. I wanted one button to say "select date/time" while the other says "book now". I was also told this wasn't supported, so I changed the button wording to say "Open Scheduler". That works for me. Try to find a CTA that can be a catch-all. HTH!
Eugene Yang
yes 100% yes