
Follow up on the latest improvements and updates.


We have made an improvement for customers who host events and services that occur on a single-day or on a few specific dates throughout the year. Examples of these are:
  • Special workshops on a few dates in a year
  • Reservation for a party that happens on a single-day
Previously, your customers would have to search through an empty calendar for available times. This was frustrating and it was hard to find an open timeslot.
With this improvement, customers can view all available dates in a single list. This makes it faster for your customers to book your event or service.
View the before/after in this short gif:
This improvement is now available to all customers of Easy Appointment Booking, including those on the Free plan. 😊
As you make changes to your event we understand the need to quickly verify if it's looking as expected.
Rather than viewing it in store or making your product active, we have launched
Calendar Preview
where you can see your storefront calendar right as you're editing your event, saving you time as you create your events.
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Now when you make changes, you're one click away from verifying your changes while staying on the same page. Previews are available across all plans and events with monthly calendars.
After incubating among our private beta customers, Klaviyo is now widely available for all customers! Klaviyo is designed for e-commerce businesses, enabling you to send branded email & SMS to your customers across the user journey, whether they book events or buy products with you.
Key Benefits
  1. Grow Revenue & Reviews
    : Reach out to your customer base using Klaviyo's segmentation to offer discount codes and prompt reviews. A sample merchant offered free consultations as lead generation for their supplement products, using Klaviyo they reported an 8% improvement in average order value (AOV) among customers who attended consultations versus those who did not.
  2. Personalized Content to Grow Engagement
    : Customers who make a booking can receive targeted email follow ups and newsletters for further engagement with branded email communication, driving a higher lifetime value. Segment customers based on various criteria, such as consultation attendance, purchase history, and engagement level.
  3. Additional SMS Reminders
    : Send personalized SMS messages to customers for upcoming bookings. Instead of one reminder, a merchant sent a reminder one-week, one-day and 2 hours before a massage appointment that resulted in a no-show reduction of 15% in one month.
  4. Consistency
    : Show a consistent customer experience through Klaviyo by having common branded email, from your own domain, with your own designs. Whether your customers book an appointment or purchase a product, they will get the same consistent look and feel.
Klaviyo Triggers
The Klaviyo Integration allows you to trigger Klaviyo flows wherenever:
  • Customers make a booking
  • Booking is rescheduled
  • Booking is cancelled
  • Booking occurs
  • 24-hours before a booking occurs
  • 24-hours after a booking occurs
Additionally, Easy Appointment Booking will also automatically create or update customer profiles on Klaviyo. This keeps your email lists accurate and lets you segment customers. Since our initial release we've added numerous updates including
(a) adding a booking type to each trigger so it can be used in Klaviyo Reviews
(b) sending all email variables currently in the app today
(c) option to send cancellation/reschedule events to Klaviyo from the app
How to start
  1. Head to the app and go to Account > Add-Ons > Klaviyo. You can pay for the add-on there
  2. A detailed video and written guide helps you start with Klaviyo
We're excited to announce the launch of our latest feature:
Customer Badges & Tags!
This feature will help you understand how often your customers book events and services with you and segment customers who have made a booking with you.
Customer Badges
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In the booking tab, you'll now see a badge below each customer's name. If it’s the first time that customer has made a booking, the badge will display "First Booking." If the customer has booked before, it will show "Returning" along with the total number of bookings made by them.
In the image above, we see that:
  • Mark has made 2 bookings.
  • This was Toby's first time making a booking.
  • Qahir has made 6 bookings.
Shopify Customer Tags
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When a booking is made, we automatically add an "Easy Appointment Booking" tag to the Customer Profile on Shopify. This allows you to easily segment customers who have made a booking from those who haven't. Now you can segment these customers directly in Shopify for targeted followups, newsletters, and offers.
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How to get started
Badges are available to all customers of Easy Appointment Booking. Shopify tags available to all Pro Plus customers as part of our Shopify Workflows
We hope you find these updates helpful in managing your bookings more efficiently. As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. ❤️
-Ray, on behalf of the Easy Appointment Booking Team
We have been hard at work over the past week cleaning up parts of the app. Here are some of the improvements that we have shipped:
  1. 🐛 Fixed a bug where the Waitlist was not showing when a day is fully booked.
  2. 🐛 Parts of the subscription booking flow was not translated to non-english languages. This has been fixed.
  3. 🐛 When editing availability, the breadcrumbs on the page had dead links. This has been fixed.
  4. ⭐ Customers using Google Calendar or Outlook can customize their event titles with more variables now. We have added support for the following variables:
That means that you can now customize Outlook or Google Calendar events with these variables:
  • {first_name}
  • {last_name}
  • {event_name}
  • {booking_id}
  • {order_id}
  • {availability_name}
We have shipped a language selector on the Admin Dashboard. Customers who are not native english speakers can now translate the text in the Admin Dashboard to the following languages:
  • Spanish
  • German
  • French
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While all text will be translated, we make sure to not translate:
  • Event names
  • Customer names
  • Availability/team names
For example, here's what the Admin Dashboard looks like in French!
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We're working on bringing multi-language support to the storefront calendar soon! Stay tuned.
We have added a new setting for people using Google or Outlook Calendar Sync. You can now choose whether you want to:
  1. Group all bookings that happen at the same time with the same availability into a single calendar invite, OR
  2. Create an individual calendar invite for each booking
For, example, Option (1) may be preferable if you offer classes. You can have a single calendar invite with all customers who are attending the 10AM booking with your instructor.
Option (2) may be preferable for a restaurant that offers table reservations. They will see a unique calendar invite for each party that books the 7pm table.
This setting is available within the Event Management page. Each event or service you offer can have this setting. We hope this flexibility makes our Google Calendar and Outlook Syncing more useful. Let us know if you have any feedback or suggestions!
Some more bug fixes and improvements have landed this week.
Bug fixes
  • Fixed a bug in Outlook Calendar where bookings were showing up at incorrect times if they were far in the future.
  • Fixed a bug in customer-facing emails where the reschedule button was showing up even if you disabled the ability for customers to reschedule appointments
  • Fixed a bug where your contact email in the app was not being updated
  • Entering overrides for specific dates should be easier now. We updated the user interface to be simpler.
  • When saving an availability, we now show a warning if you are reusing an existing email address. This is because having multiple availabilities using the same email address can be confusing if accessing the Team Portal, or receiving customer-facing emails.
  • If the app ever "crashes", we now show a more helpful screen.
  • The Booking table now shows the price a customer paid for the booking.
We've made some improvements to the customer cancellation flow. When a customer cancels an appointment, they can now enter a reason for cancellation.
Their cancellation reason will be sent to you via email. We have also made some updates to the cancellation email so that you get more information about the booking.
We've shipped multiple improvements and bug fixes across the app in the last few weeks.
  • When searching for a customer, you can now search by name or email. Partial searches are also supported.
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  • It is easier to add single-day or multi-day date overrides for your availability. We have a tab-bar so you can select a single day or a stretch of days.
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  • Adding notes to emails is now more reliable. Previously, some customers had weird tags like
    in their email templates. This is now fixed and your customer-facing emails will look nicer!
  • Improvements to our Klaviyo Integration: We now support more variables within Klaviyo
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