Booking Availability Slots
under review
Servicify Team
Merged in a post:
Increase availability options
Servicify Team
Add the option of being able to override the number of attendees
per timeslot
rather than only being able to override the entire timeslot availabilityServicify Team
under review
Servicify Team
Thank you for the request, our team is considering how to do this.
Servicify Team: thanks so much. Can’t wait to see what you guys come up with! 😊
Servicify Team: how are we progressing with this guys?
This request would make this application the next best thing. Setting availability per event is great, but like Diamond mentions, sometimes day slots are reduced (private bookings) or increased (more staff).
An new button titled "Modify by Day" against the default' availability option would populate the interface with the default. The interface should Mon-Sun and have a new row for the availability which has been entered. Then against each column is the number which can be amended.
GIVEN I have clicked "Modify by Day"
WHEN I update the default value against each day
THEN I can see the slots available on the booking tool
The fields are always populated with the default value or the value if bookings have already been made.
A Previous / Next week button can navigate through the weeks. You could make this monthly calendar view also to cover and see more in one go.