We're excited to announce the launch of our latest feature:
Customer Badges & Tags!
This feature will help you understand how often your customers book events and services with you and segment customers who have made a booking with you.
Customer Badges
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In the booking tab, you'll now see a badge below each customer's name. If it’s the first time that customer has made a booking, the badge will display "First Booking." If the customer has booked before, it will show "Returning" along with the total number of bookings made by them.
In the image above, we see that:
  • Mark has made 2 bookings.
  • This was Toby's first time making a booking.
  • Qahir has made 6 bookings.
Shopify Customer Tags
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When a booking is made, we automatically add an "Easy Appointment Booking" tag to the Customer Profile on Shopify. This allows you to easily segment customers who have made a booking from those who haven't. Now you can segment these customers directly in Shopify for targeted followups, newsletters, and offers.
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How to get started
Badges are available to all customers of Easy Appointment Booking. Shopify tags available to all Pro Plus customers as part of our Shopify Workflows
We hope you find these updates helpful in managing your bookings more efficiently. As always, we appreciate your feedback and support. ❤️
-Ray, on behalf of the Easy Appointment Booking Team